Relaxing Day at Sri Jana Farms

May 21, 2024 Sarah Zylstra 1 comment

We started our day with a delicious breakfast at 8am after a nice night in our cozy cabins. Sri Jana farms treated us to homemade toast with butter, honey and jam, farm grown eggs, fresh bacon, sausage, and hand picked berries and bananas!

We were able to see how butter is made and even have a churn churning it!! We made it with buffalo curd🤠

After breakfast, we debriefed our individual experiences in the hospital with the group. It was fun to hear how everyone experienced things differently. We talked about what we learned in the hospital about Nepali culture and what was different from expectations we had going in to the trip.

We had “free time” until lunch. Some of us decided to go for a mini hike around the farm. Pictured here are our strong preeps! Others decided to stay back and relax. We joined them when we got back and had some time to read and play games. We are obsessed with games if you can’t tell!

Next it was time for lunch. We had chicken, rice, beans, potatoes, and naan bread for lunch. After lunch, Dr. Beels shared a story about forgiveness with us and encouraged us to spend some time alone reflecting on those we haven’t forgiven in our lives. He talked about the freedom forgiveness brings and the important practice that it is.

Afterwards, we had more free time. Today was more of a relaxing day since we have been so busy on this trip. Then it was time for coffee and tea time! We love our little midday snack times.

After tea and coffee, we went on a hunt for a sweet treat. We ended up with our go-to mango juice!!

We had another great dinner of chicken momos-everyone’s favorite. Ella led the group in devotions.

Some of the group ended the day with a night hike!

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