Great Day at Green Pastures!

May 23, 2024 Sarah Brinks 2 comments

We started off today with a yummy breakfast at the hotel with toast, eggs, potatoes, mango juice, and coffee, then took a quick van ride to Green Pastures Hospital.

We got to join the hospital staff for morning devos

Green Pastures hospital was started by a group of Christians who prayed for nearly two decades for the border of Nepal to open. It was originally a leprosy clinic, but has since expanded to include ENT, rehabilitation and palliative care. The hospital was on a large beautiful piece of land with lots of green space and very nice facilities. It was so cool to compare this hospital to the hospitals we have previously visited and those back at home. We split off into different units, and had many unique experiences.

Most of us got lunch at a little cafe (while others stayed to watch a cool surgery). We got iced coffee! Always a win!

We met with Dr. Suraj, who is a plastic surgeon who does lots of restorative work for people with leprosy. He explained some of the history of the hospital and how he came to work there. He also explained leprosy to us, and some of the surgeries/diagnostic tools he uses and studies. He taught us about the huge stigma around leprosy and how the leprosy we hear about in the Bible was likely just a misinterpretation. Because of the huge stigma around the disease, people are very reluctant and late to receive care, which means there is less they can do to treat the symptoms such as claw hands.

Some of us focused better than others, lol.

We took a van ride back and some of us shopped for gifts while others took some time to rest. Many awesome purchases were made! We met for dinner at a vibey restaurant and got some yummy food (which took forever lol). There was live music which was fun as well

After dinner some more gift shopping was done, and we ended the day with devotions led by Ellie 🙂

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