Just Keep Trekking

May 26, 2024 Kelly Fritzsch 1 comment

After a cozy night spent at the hotel in Panchase, a delicious breakfast, and Amelia making a new cat friend that she named Stinky Jones, the crew was ready to trek back to the starting point. 

The rain from the night made the rocky steps a bit more slippery, taking down a few of our troopers (none were injured), but everyone persevered. This also made the leeches more abundant, but they were no match for us! It was amazing to take view more of God’s creation!

After an impressive 3 and a half hours down the foothill and an hour drive back to Pokhara, the group freshened up and went for a rewarding pizza lunch. We reunited with Dr. Beels, who spent quality time with Dr. Siraj while the rest of the group hiked. Professor Sinniah even got us a discount on our food, nice work! After lunch, some went back to Hotel Asia to rest while others got some iced coffee before heading back. 

Following much needed rest, the group took a nice long walk to get yummy Greek food at OR2K. After dinner, the group got icecream at Baskin Robbins and did some last minute shopping.

1 Comment on “Just Keep Trekking

  1. Kelly, we are so glad for answered prayer for safety and health during you and the entire group’s stay. Can’t wait to hear first hand of all these life changing experiences and how it will influence the rest of your studies and future.
    See you back in California soon!! Cute coffee picture!

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